Let's talk gardening
Flowers make me happy. I love picking them out, strolling the garden centers and greenhouses, trading with friends,then creating pretty container gardens and flower beds. Sadly I left most of my plants behind when I got divorced and then left the rest at my house when I sold it. I used to spend hours dead heading them, trimming them and yes I even talked to them.. lol (please don't judge). I could just tune out the world and relax.
Last summer I thought I'd like to give growing my own veggies a try, so I asked hubby to build me a raised bed at the side of the house. So off I went shopping for some transplants and came home with some purple kale (can you say kale chips), English cucumbers, tomatoes, cauliflower, and peppers. The kale, tomatoes and cucumbers were a huge success, the cauliflower and peppers, not so much. The little critters, bugs or what have you decided they were pretty tasty and ate them all before they had a chance to grow into anything :(
This year I wanted to expand and try something different. I started growing some things from seed.
Fernando supervising.
I planted some carrots, arugula, 2 kinds of beets, mesclun mix, spinach and some other lettuce. So far so good, they're actually growing, I just need to get them in the ground.
Aren't they cute??
Of course this wasn't enough, so on the way by Farmer Clem's and the Superstore last weekend I stopped in just to see what they had. I'm sure you know how that turned out.
There's going to be a whole lot of cooking with fresh herbs this year. Parsley, Cilantro, Thyme, Oregano, Rosemary, Dill, 2 kinds of Basil and Curry. There are a few lettuce plants thrown in there too along with some hot peppers (here's hoping the bugs don't like hot peppers). I also had some garlic growing in the pantry so I threw that in the ground and it's coming along nicely.
If that's not enough I still have more seeds I need to get in and mom has a bunch of different kinds of Tomato plants.
The only negative to growing you're own, is you have to wait way too long for everything to grow. Patience is not one of my strong suits. It'll be worth it though, and if everything grows I'll be eating LOTS of veggies and spreading some veggie love around to whoever I can.
Well, that's all I have for you tonight.